iFlex Heavy Duty Bollard

iFlex™ Heavy Duty Bollards are designed to protect against damage caused by heavier-weight vehicles or for use in higher-speed environments. 

A-SAFE bollards are strong, durable and highly visible. They protect structures and equipment from impact damage. Heavy-duty bollards reinforce a driver’s attention to safe driving and also define traffic routes.  

They are multi-functional and used extensively in industrial, commercial and public environments. 


Suitable for:
Impact energy information Impact energy diagram
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Tested to the following safety standards
PAS 13 Tested – safety barriers in industrial workplaces
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Solutions tailored to your needs

Your site-specific solution starts with a free, no-obligation safety evaluation

Product features
  • Impact Zone = 0 - 47 ¼inch
  • Rotating Wear Collars
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Technical specification
  •  icon

Angle of approach:


Angle of approach:

Example vehicle weight and speed:

Equivalent Vehicle Weight

6.1 US Ton

Vehicle Speed

4 Mph

Vehicle energy

8,800 Joules

Transfer of energy

100% (8,800 Joules)
IED Weight

iFlex Heavy Duty Bollards are available in yellow and grey as standard. They come in two height variations - 47 ¼ and 78 ¾inches. Heavy Duty Bollards are suitable for vehicles with an impact height of of 47 ¼inches.

Product uses
Damage prevention
Damage prevention

Deter damage in your facility with high-strength Bollards for impact protection where it’s needed most.

Structural protection
Structural protection

High-strength protection for the structural integrity of your operation, from columns to fire exits.

Installation instructions
Benefits sheet
Test videos

Ramp test video

Installation guide
Installation instructions
Safety certifications
PAS13 Tested Stamp

The British code of practice for safety barriers used in traffic management within workplace environments. It also gives recommendations for test methods for safety barrier impact resilience. It is a global benchmark for the testing and installation of workplace safety barriers.

Reports and certification
Reports and certification

Our safety products are the most heavily tested in the world. We are proud to give customers full visibility, providing copies of reports and certification and hosting live impact tests at our world-class innovation centre.

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Request certificates

Our safety experts will provide any reports and certification you require

Case studies
Driving ROI through safety: Katoen Natie collaborates with A-SAFE for improved operations and cost savings Driving ROI through safety: Katoen Natie collaborates with A-SAFE for improved operations and cost savings Driving ROI through safety: Katoen Natie collaborates with A-SAFE for improved operations and cost savings
Aesthetically pleasing facility for Octavia plant Aesthetically pleasing facility for Octavia plant Aesthetically pleasing facility for Octavia plant
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